Alex Tsiukes

Economics Ph.D. Candidate at West Virginia University

πŸ“ Morgantown, WV

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I am a fourth-year Ph.D. Candidate in the Economics Department at [West Virginia University] in Morgantown, WV.Β 

As an applied microeconomist, my research interests broadly include Urban Economics, Transportation Economics, Health Economics, and Public Policy. For more information on my academic research, check out my [Research] page.

I am passionate about teaching. My teaching philosophy, shaped by experiences in the U.S. Peace Corps and as an economics instructor at West Virginia University, is centered on creating an engaging and dynamic learning environment. Β At West Virginia University, I have been the primary instructor of four courses, with class sizes ranging from 35 to 297 students. For an overview of the courses I already have experience teaching, please visit my [Teaching] page.

I keep a humble social media presence; however, feel free to connect on [LinkedIn] or learn more about my research/personal interests on [Twitter].Β 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via email at